79 research outputs found

    The effects of weather and climate change on cycling in northern Norway

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    Weather is identified as one of many factors that influence the demand for cycling. Weather patterns will change due to expected climate change. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which climate change influences the cycling frequency. The analysis in this article is conducted using an econometric model based on data spanning over four years on weather indicators and the cycling frequency in the Norwegian city of Bodø, which is located north of the Arctic Circle. According to the projections for climate change, both temperature and quantity of precipitation are expected to increase in this area during the next century. An important consequence of changes in the climate in the studied region is the reduced duration of what can be characterised as the winter season. However, this consequence is highly uncertain. When using Norway’s middle projections for climate change by 2050, the analysis shows a moderate increase in cycling frequency of 6.2%. For the reduced winter period, the cycle rate might be two and three times higher in 2050 compared to the current level. Both estimates assume that every other potential impact on cycling rates remain equal

    Hvordan tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen?

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    Denne studien bruker en forenklet versjon av designbasert forskningstilnærming og ser på en mulig metode for å tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen. Folkehelse og livsmestring er et av tre tverrfaglige temaer som kom med den nye læreplanen. De tverrfaglige temaene skal inkluderes i de fagene det er relevant. Tidligere praksiserfaringer har gjort oss bevisst på en usikkerhet blant lærerne om hvordan de skal tilnærme seg de tverrfaglige temaene, og vi har av den grunn valgt å fokusere på folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikk. Hensikten med studien er å utvikle en mulig metode som kan være til inspirasjon for andre lærere. For å konkretisere problemstillingen Hvordan tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen? har vi følgende fire forskningsspørsmål: 1. Hvordan kan lærere konstruere realistiske oppgaver som setter fokus på folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikk? 2. Hvordan kan lærere bruke teknologi og nye kontekster i matematikkundervisningen? 3. Bidrar undervisningsopplegget til elevenes læring? 4. Hvordan opplevde elevene undervisningsopplegget med hensyn til motivasjon? Vi har en todelt tilnærming til problemstillingen, hvor vi i den første delen utvikler oppgaver basert på relevant teori og i den andre delen benytter oss av kvantitative forskningsmetoder for å evaluere undervisningsopplegget. Det ble utviklet oppgaver med utgangspunkt i realistisk matematikk og Actionbound ble brukt som et verktøy for å tilrettelegge for folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen. Undervisningsopplegget ble utformet som en mattevandring hvor elevene måtte gå til ulike lokasjoner i nærmiljøet for å løse oppgavene. For å få et inntrykk av elevenes opplevelse av mattevandringen gjennomførte vi forskningsopplegg med 83 elever og innhentet kvantitative data ved hjelp av spørreskjema. De kvantitative dataene hadde som hensikt å innhente informasjon om elevenes opplevelse med et spesielt fokus på motivasjon. Resultatene viste at undervisningsopplegget ble godt mottatt av elevene. En kunnskapstest før og etter undervisningen indikerte at elevene hadde en læringseffekt av opplegget. Videre viste resultatene at elevene hadde en økning i mestringsforventninger i matematikk, etter endt undervisning. Opplevelse av velfungerende samarbeid og opplevd nytteverdi fremsto som viktige prediktorer for elevenes engasjement. Studien konkluderer med at undervisningsopplegget med små justeringer kan gjenbrukes i andre fag og kontekster, og er godt egnet til tverrfaglig arbeid

    Hvordan tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen?

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    Denne studien bruker en forenklet versjon av designbasert forskningstilnærming og ser på en mulig metode for å tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen. Folkehelse og livsmestring er et av tre tverrfaglige temaer som kom med den nye læreplanen. De tverrfaglige temaene skal inkluderes i de fagene det er relevant. Tidligere praksiserfaringer har gjort oss bevisst på en usikkerhet blant lærerne om hvordan de skal tilnærme seg de tverrfaglige temaene, og vi har av den grunn valgt å fokusere på folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikk. Hensikten med studien er å utvikle en mulig metode som kan være til inspirasjon for andre lærere. For å konkretisere problemstillingen Hvordan tilrettelegge for det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen? har vi følgende fire forskningsspørsmål: 1. Hvordan kan lærere konstruere realistiske oppgaver som setter fokus på folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikk? 2. Hvordan kan lærere bruke teknologi og nye kontekster i matematikkundervisningen? 3. Bidrar undervisningsopplegget til elevenes læring? 4. Hvordan opplevde elevene undervisningsopplegget med hensyn til motivasjon? Vi har en todelt tilnærming til problemstillingen, hvor vi i den første delen utvikler oppgaver basert på relevant teori og i den andre delen benytter oss av kvantitative forskningsmetoder for å evaluere undervisningsopplegget. Det ble utviklet oppgaver med utgangspunkt i realistisk matematikk og Actionbound ble brukt som et verktøy for å tilrettelegge for folkehelse og livsmestring i matematikkundervisningen. Undervisningsopplegget ble utformet som en mattevandring hvor elevene måtte gå til ulike lokasjoner i nærmiljøet for å løse oppgavene. For å få et inntrykk av elevenes opplevelse av mattevandringen gjennomførte vi forskningsopplegg med 83 elever og innhentet kvantitative data ved hjelp av spørreskjema. De kvantitative dataene hadde som hensikt å innhente informasjon om elevenes opplevelse med et spesielt fokus på motivasjon. Resultatene viste at undervisningsopplegget ble godt mottatt av elevene. En kunnskapstest før og etter undervisningen indikerte at elevene hadde en læringseffekt av opplegget. Videre viste resultatene at elevene hadde en økning i mestringsforventninger i matematikk, etter endt undervisning. Opplevelse av velfungerende samarbeid og opplevd nytteverdi fremsto som viktige prediktorer for elevenes engasjement. Studien konkluderer med at undervisningsopplegget med små justeringer kan gjenbrukes i andre fag og kontekster, og er godt egnet til tverrfaglig arbeid

    The importance of evaluating standard monitoring methods: Observer bias and detection probabilities for moose pellet group surveys

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    Counting is not always a simple exercise. Specimens can be misidentified or not detected when they are present, giving rise to unidentified sources of error. Deer pellet group counts are a common method to monitor abundance, density, and population trend. Yet, detection errors and observer bias could introduce error into sometimes very large (spatially, temporally) datasets. For example, in Scandinavia, moose (Alces alces) pellet group counts are conducted by volunteer hunters and students, but it is unknown how much uncertainty observer error introduces into these datasets. Our objectives were to 1) estimate the detection probability of moose pellet groups; 2) identify the primary variables leading to detection errors including prior observer experience; and 3) compare density estimates using single and double observer counts. We selected a subset of single observer plots from a long-term monitoring project to be conducted as dependent double observer surveys, where primary and secondary observers worked simultaneously in the field. We did this to quantify detection errors for moose pellet groups, which were previously unknown in Scandinavia, and to identify covariates which introduced variation into our estimates. Our study area was in the boreal forests of southern Norway where we had a nested grid of 100-m2 plots that we surveyed each spring. Our observers were primarily inexperienced. We found that when pellet groups were detected by the primary observer, the secondary observer saw additional pellet groups 42% of the time. We found search time was the primary covariate influencing detection. We also found density estimates from double observer counts were 1.4 times higher than single observer counts, for the same plots. This density underestimation from single observer surveys could have consequences to managers, who sometimes use pellet counts to set harvest quotas. We recommend specific steps to improve future moose pellet counts.The importance of evaluating standard monitoring methods: Observer bias and detection probabilities for moose pellet group surveyspublishedVersio

    Analgesic use in a Norwegian general population: Change over time and high-risk use - The Tromsø Study

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    Published version, also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40360-015-0016-yBackground: Increased use of analgesics in the population is a cause for concern in terms of drug safety. There is a paucity of population-based studies monitoring the change in use over time of both non-prescription (OTC) analgesics and prescription (Rx) analgesics. Although much is known about the risks associated with analgesic use, we are lacking knowledge on high-risk use at a population level. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of non-prescription and prescription analgesic use, change over time and the prevalence in the presence of potential contraindications and drug interactions in a general population. Methods: A repeated cross-sectional study with data from participants (30–89 years) of the Tromsø Study in 2001–02 (Tromsø 5; N = 8039) and in 2007–08 (Tromsø 6; N = 12,981). Participants reported use of OTC and Rx analgesics and regular use of all drugs in the preceding four weeks. Change over the time period was analyzed with generalized estimating equations. The prevalence of regular analgesic use in persons with or without a clinically significant contraindication or drug interaction was determined in the Tromsø 6 population, and differences were tested with logistic regression. Results: Analgesic use increased from 54 to 60 % in women (OR = 1.24, 95 % CI 1.15–1.32) and from 29 to 37 % in men (OR = 1.39, 95 % CI 1.27–1.52) in the time period; the increase was due to sporadic use of OTC analgesics. There was substantial regular use of analgesics in several of the contraindication categories examined; the prevalence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was more than eight per cent among persons with chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, or high primary cardiovascular risk. About four per cent of the study population demonstrated at least one potential drug interaction with an analgesic drug. Conclusions: The use of analgesics increased in the time period due to an increase in the use of OTC analgesics. Analgesic exposure in the presence of contraindications or drug interactions may put patients at risk. Public and prescriber awareness about clinically relevant contraindications and drug interactions with analgesics need to be increased

    Roads, forestry, and wolves interact to drive moose browsing behavior in Scandinavia

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    As wild ungulate densities increase across Europe and North America, plant-herbivore interactions are increasingly important from ecological and economic perspectives. These interactions are particularly significant where agriculture and forestry occur and where intensive grazing and browsing by wild ungulates can result in economic losses to growing crops and trees. We studied plant-herbivore interactions in a moose (Alces alces)-dominant system where forestry is a primary economy, the primary and secondary road networks are extensive, and wolves (Canis lupus) are recolonizing. Wolves and humans use low-traffic, secondary roads, yet roadsides provide high-quality and quantity browse for moose. Foraging theory predicts that moose will respond to riskier landscapes by selecting habitats that reduce predation risk, sacrificing feeding time or food quality. As food becomes limiting, however, animals will accept higher predation risk in search of food. We predicted that road avoidance behavior would be strongest within wolf territories. In areas without wolves, moose should select roadsides for their high forage availability. To test these predictions, we measured moose browsing and counted pellet groups as a proxy for habitat use each spring in Norway and Sweden between 2008 and 2018, in areas with and without wolves and at different distances from primary and secondary roads. We used generalized linear mixed models to evaluate drivers of the probability of browsing occurrence and browsing pressure. We found that browsing occurrence increased closer to secondary roads but decreased closer to primary roads. We also found browsing patterns to vary among tree species. For Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), the browsing occurrence was two times higher in young forests relative to non-young forests and decreased further from secondary roads. Wolf territory presence and probability had neutral or positive effect on browsing occurrence and pressure for all species. However, wolf territory presence had negative effects on browsing occurrence and pressure when interacting with secondary roads, young forest, or snow cover. We showed that roads can influence browsing patterns in Norway and Sweden. However, further research is needed, particularly in the face of continued infrastructure development in Scandinavia

    Reprogrammed Cells Display Distinct Proteomic SignaturesAssociated with Colony Morphology Variability

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are of high interest because they can be differentiated into a vast range of different cell types. Ideally, reprogrammed cells should sustain long-term culturing in an undifferentiated state. However, some reprogrammed cell lines represent an unstable state by spontaneously differentiating and changing their cellular phenotype and colony morphology. This phenomenon is not fully understood, and no method is available to predict it reliably. In this study, we analyzed and compared the proteome landscape of 20 reprogrammed cell lines classified as stable and unstable based on long-term colony morphology. We identified distinct proteomic signatures associated with stable colony morphology and with unstable colony morphology, although the typical pluripotency markers (POU5F1, SOX2) were present with both morphologies. Notably, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) protein markers were associated with unstable colony morphology, and the transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) signalling pathway was predicted as one of the main regulator pathways involved in this process. Furthermore, we identified specific proteins that separated the stable from the unstable state. Finally, we assessed both spontaneous embryonic body (EB) formation and directed differentiation and showed that reprogrammed lines with an unstable colony morphology had reduced differentiation capacity. To conclude, we found that different defined patterns of colony morphology in reprogrammed cells were associated with distinct proteomic profiles and different outcomes in differentiation capacity.publishedVersio

    Postgraduate Students’ Experience of Using a Learning Management System to Support Their Learning: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    Introduction Educational institutions worldwide have implemented learning management systems (LMSs) to centralise and manage learning resources, educational services, learning activities and institutional information. LMS has mainly been used by teachers as storage and transfer of course material. To effectively utilise digital technologies in education, there is a need for more knowledge of student experiences with digital technology, such as LMSs and especially regarding how LMSs can contribute to student engagement and learning. Objective This study aimed to gain knowledge about postgraduate nursing students’ experiences with the use of LMS in a subject in an advanced practice nursing master's programme. Methods A qualitative method with a descriptive design was employed. Two focus group interviews were performed with eight postgraduate nursing students from an advanced practice nursing programme at a university college in Norway. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results Three themes emerged from the data material: 1) A course structure that supports learning; 2) LMS tools facilitate preparation, repetition and flexibility; and 3) own responsibility for using the LMS for preparation before on-campus activities. Conclusion The course structure within the LMS seemed to be important to enhance postgraduate students’ ability to prepare before on-campus activities. Implementation and use of LMS tools can facilitate preparation, repetition and flexibility, especially when postgraduate students study difficult topics. Postgraduate students seem to have different views regarding their own responsibility for using the LMS to prepare before on-campus activities.publishedVersio

    The Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) Secreted Protein, MopE*, Binds Both Reduced and Oxidized Copper

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    Under copper limiting growth conditions the methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) secrets essentially only one protein, MopE*, to the medium. MopE* is a copper-binding protein whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The structure of MopE* revealed a unique high affinity copper binding site consisting of two histidine imidazoles and one kynurenine, the latter an oxidation product of Trp130. In this study, we demonstrate that the copper ion coordinated by this strong binding site is in the Cu(I) state when MopE* is isolated from the growth medium of M. capsulatus. The conclusion is based on X-ray Near Edge Absorption spectroscopy (XANES), and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies. EPR analyses demonstrated that MopE*, in addition to the strong copper-binding site, also binds Cu(II) at two weaker binding sites. Both Cu(II) binding sites have properties typical of non-blue type II Cu (II) centres, and the strongest of the two Cu(II) sites is characterised by a relative high hyperfine coupling of copper (